Musings from my Studio

apple work

I’ve been thinking lately about who I am. How would I describe myself? If you follow along, you may know that on April 16th, I became a proud Abu (grandmother) to baby Felix. Now I’m trying to navigate the waters of being a new grandma, a mother, artist, creator, writer, lecturer, educator … and yes, a bit of a nerd. So many hats. Too many balls in the air!

This year I founded Create2Flourish, a program to help textile, quilters, and mixed media artists find their own voice and make their own work instead of falling into the tried and true and creating someone else’s work. I’ve been making my own stuff for a long time, and I discover new and exciting ways to work all the time.

And that brings me to the last few days. I was not feeling well and I hoped it wouldn’t be Covid. I tested myself on Saturday night, and the test came back negative. So I am happy about that. I still don’t feel fantastic, but whatever it is, it’ll go away. And to make matters worse, on Friday I decided to take a “day off” from creating content for C2F and classes to come, and concentrate on making some work. Well … of course! You know what they say about best-laid plans … I spent a frustrating combined 4.5 hours talking to tech people. At least I found out the problem was not my printer, but Powerpoint was not printing properly and they couldn’t figure out why. Reinstalled … nothing. Grrrr! So I am expecting a call from a Level 2 technician. Last night before going to bed, I decided to download the latest updates for my computer that had not been done automatically. Today … PowerPoint prints properly! Yeahh!!! I’m doing a happy dance that I won’t have to talk to the Level 2 technician!

mash up of images

All that frustration on Friday brought about a nice discovery on Saturday: I wanted to do some specific work and, googling ways to do it, I discovered something I didn’t know about PowerPoint (OK, there’s probably lots I don’t know about PowerPoint). I have spent the last two days playing with this new stuff I learned and creating a comprehensive manual. woohoo! It seemed simpler to do it and create the content and write about it than trying to reconstruct every step. This will be a new demo workshop in May – hopefully :) Stay tuned as I’ll be posting more about this later. I am not exactly sure how I am going to implement all this new information into my own work, but … oh, the possibilities! I’ll stop right now before I give too much away. It’s going to be a surprise. And to top it all off, you’ll get a WOW! (I didn’t realize it was that long! LOL) … I’m up to 54 pages for the step-by-step manual that you’ll receive with the demo. Every step is documented with colour photos! So if you are not familiar with Powerpoint, you’ll be able to download the guide and follow along.

So I decided to stay in for the next few days to try and get rid of whatever it is that’s making me feel not too great. Good thing I have plenty to keep myself busy with. A trunk show on Thursday night, the SAQA conference starts on Friday and I have a 3-day live online webinar from 9:00 am. to 7:00 p.m.! It’s going to be exhausting, but I hope it’s worth it. All good … better busy than bored, right?

I have no idea where I am going with all this today, but maybe to mention silver linings … From frustration to discovery to a new demo and a nifty guide. Not too bad if I say so myself. You never know where explorations will take you.

Have a good week everyone. I will be with you again next week with more news and musings from my studio. In the meantime, stay safe and keep exploring,


PS: a reminder that I offer a coaching and mentoring program.

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  1. Ana Buzalino you are a unique perfect human being and you will always be that, you just wear a lot of hats. Hope you feel better soon. I am a great believer in the power of visualization. so just see your self as being totally healthy. Best wishes to your healthy perfect self.

    1. Thanks so much Marilyn. Much appreciated. I agree with you. And I’ve been doing that and I’m already feeling better. All good. Hope you are keeping happy and busy creating. Take good care of yourself.

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