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A few more sleeps …

before I leave for Toronto and Quilt Canada.  Right now, to tell you the truth, I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to take all the paper I have with me … :-)  Plus kits, fabric, samples, quilts … it’s a never-ending story, it seems.

But what a great opportunity!  I think it’s going to be a great conference.  Two of my classes are sold out, and we have even added some of the people on waiting lists, so I am pretty excited about that.  The other two, are close to being full, so I will consider them very successful, even before we start.

Despite the fact that I’ve been having issues with vertigo for the past two weeks, and counting, I’ve managed to do some work here and there, and make some new samples for the classes, especially the machine quilting class.

FMQ - sampleStudents in the class will work on a 1 m x 1 m (approximate) piece of fabric, layered with batting and backing, ready to quilt, instead of using smaller squares, like 12″ x 12″ or similar.  In this manner, they get used from the beginning to work with a larger piece and they figure out how to maneuver it in a home sewing machine.  You can see some of the designs they will be working on in class.

This one is a separate smaller sample done with grids:  scallops, and combinations thereof.  Lots of fun!


I worked on a new quilt, and made lots of blocks using oranges and yellows.  I bought a layer cake at Heritage Park, and I’ve used some of the yellows and oranges from that layer cake plus backgrounds and greens from my stash, mostly.  The greys are from a second layer cake:  Ink by Zen Chic.  I did go to Out of Hand to pick up a few more greys and a few more backgrounds.  You can never have enough.

circles1So of course, because I had all that fabric, I made too many blocks, cut too many pieces, as usual, so I ended up with a few extras for a secondary project:  a long skinny 16″ x 48″ quilt to use as a sofa quilt, or a long horizontal wall-hanging; even as a table runner.  I modified some of those blocks:



I am hoping to get started on the quilting of that smaller piece this coming weekend.  But I have to behave myself and get packed before I do that!

I have been working on other pieces for a few articles coming up in Quilting Arts Magazine in the future and Quilt Scene, but can’t show them to you just yet.  You’ll have to be patient.  I’ll give you maybe a sneak peak in a future blog …

In the meantime, I’m off to do some work, gather some more supplies, cut some more fabric, and figure out how to take everything with me to Toronto and still keep to two pieces of luggage at 50 lbs. each.

If you have an Instagram or Twitter account, follow me as I’ll be posting from Toronto as much as I can to keep you posted.  It seems to be easier than trying to post from my iPad.

Keep quilting, and stay in touch.  I love hearing from you.  You can always comment below.




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