Wednesday Quote

I am happy to be back writing this post. I have not been idle. It’s been a month of catching up on business, clearing stuff, and getting ready for the Holidays.
I’m dancing! I’m dancing! I’m skipping and hopping to music in my head. Because, you know what? I’m done. It’s an organized and utterly fabulous wrap! Today, I’m bubbling over with joy as this past week I finished transforming my basement from a chaotic abyss into a haven for creativity and learning. This all began…
Good morning, The weather has turned a bit cooler in the past few days, but it’s supposed to get nicer again by the end of the week. I can’t believe it’s mid-September already … and that means that I am getting ready to leave for Nova Scotia. Almost 2 years in the making, and the…
Where does time go? I can’t believe a week has gone by already since I came back from the Pacific International Quilt Festival in Santa Clara. I have been taking it easy this past week, to tell you the truth. Now that the deadline has gone by for the exhibit, I find myself not knowing…
Some new classes coming up and where I’ll be in the next couple of months.
Today, I want to delve into a subject that’s deeply personal to me: the beauty and significance of bare trees, both in art and in life. Growing up surrounded by trees, especially with my dad as the general manager of a lumber mill in a small town, I developed a unique relationship with trees. The…