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Instagram and Twitter
Hope everyone had a nice Labor Day long weekend. It was grey and wet around here, but good all the same. One extra day makes a huge difference. This is just a short note to let you know that you can now follow me in Instagram and Twitter. The links are to the right of…
Thinking about Inspiration
The Founding Members launch for Create2Flourish took place last week and I am delighted with the results. Thank you to all of you who registered with the introductory price. We’ve been connecting on Facebook and I’m enjoying every minute of it. We’ve started some good conversations. As that phase of the work to get the…
Registration to Create2Flourish is now open
Registration to Create2Flourish is now open.
Oh! The In-Betweens
The “in-between” periods, though not as visibly productive, are actually part of the creative cycle. They allow for a pause, a rest period that can help recharge your creative energy. This phase is essential.
Create2Flourish has officially launched!
A few more days before registration to Create2Flourish closes. SIgn up now and you won’t miss it!
Wednesday Quote
“Each step you take reveals a new horizon. You have taken the first step today. Now I challenge you to take the next one”. Vincent Van Gogh