Wow! January is done … Already?

Can you believe the first month of the year is already behind us? It feels like I was just transferring my first stitches onto fabric to start working on my stitch journal, and now I have an entire month stitched into it. Time moves so fast, but in a way, this project has made me appreciate its passing differently—one small stitch at a time.

Working on my stitch journal has been an absolute joy. Each day, a few minutes (or sometimes more if I’m honest) of slow stitching, letting the needle glide through fabric, has become a grounding ritual. What started as a simple daily practice has quickly turned into something much more. I find myself thinking ahead—imagining new textures, colours, and compositions, excited about what each new day will bring.
Hand stitching is addictive in the best way possible. The more I do, the more I want to do. Every small section completed opens up endless possibilities. I catch myself dreaming of future pages, of layers upon layers of stitches creating a tactile record of time. There’s something deeply satisfying about working with my hands, allowing the piece to evolve organically.
Aside from the stitch journal, I’ve been working on my monoprinted piece, and last night, I finished putting the last few stitches to finish the edge with a blanket stitch. I am happy with how it turned out. So much so that I started on another piece. Same idea, same background, different vessel.

With January behind me, I can’t wait to see where February takes me—one stitch at a time. And on this first day of the month, I’ve been watching Amarjeet K. Nandhra’s workshop in Stitch Club called Glorious Layers of Stitch and Paint. She uses monoprinted pieces of fabric to layer and create designs to stitch, and it opened up so many new possibilities for me. I started thinking about my own monoprinted pieces—backgrounds, unfinished experiments, ghost layers—and how I could bring them into my work in fresh ways. I have lots and lots of these pieces laying around … So many ideas already forming, and I can’t wait to explore them with needle and thread.

Well, that do you think? It seems that one idea sparks another. A never ending story! So exciting! I have more ideas than time, but that has to be a good thing, right?
Until I write again, keep creating!