I’ve Been Getting Back to My Old Self

I can’t believe it’s been a couple of weeks since I blogged last. Where does time go? I wasn’t even having that much fun! The days seem to fly by lately, more than usual, I guess. I have been getting busy at work again, which is a good thing, as it makes the days go faster, and I don’t feel like eating chocolate all the time (because I am bored. LOL). Working two projects at once, and trying to balance the work is good but it keeps me hopping from one desk to the other, while dealing with confidentiality issues, trying to set up the new project and help close out the old one. And … trying to keep my emails straight, as I have two different Project Managers with the same last name! It keeps life interesting. That’s the work part of my day.

On the family side, the children are doing fine. Sabrina is writing the last few essays and exams and getting ready for her trek back home on December 16th. She’s coming through Vancouver, which means a bus to the ferry, the ferry across, the bus to the airport, the plane home. Well, she was saving a few dollars, and enjoys the time she has to sit down and read. She’ll be home soon. Yeah!! The calendar she participated in is out. I have asked her to bring me three. She posed nude (with strategic parts covered by, in her case, books) for a calendar to raise funds for Cancer Research. When they reach their goal of $25,000 dollars, they’ll get their heads shaved! Oh, what a brave daughter I have (I think I’d rather pose nude than shave my head! LOL). Anyway, I am dying to see the calendar! She said it looks great. If you’d like to purchase one to help out, please send me an email.

Sebastian is also getting ready to finish his first semester of his Masters at UofC. Keeping very busy, with studies, all the reading he has to do, writing essays, his girlfriend, work, and more work. I don’t see him too often, but … I know he’s doing what he wants, and he’s happy doing it.

Ale is glowing! He’s at SAIT, in Professional Cooking. He has an apartment downtown which he shares with a roommate, Cody, who is also part of his group at SAIT. It seems to work fine. They go to school, study, exercise and cook! They even clean from time to time. And have fun doing that. He called me a few days ago to tell me he had received his partial grade at the class he’s taking now, and he got the highest mark of the class, plus the comments were amazing! He’s really doing well. I am so proud of him! He was making BBQ beef in the slow cooker last night!

I, as I mentioned in the Subject line, have been getting back to my old self. I had a three day weekend last weekend, and got a lot of work done. I will download photos later and post them so you see what I have been working on.

Now, I get to go and try to find out if my youngest son forgot he was coming home for dinner. So, until I blog again, keep quilting.


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