Almost Christmas!

Good morning,

There is snow falling once again in Calgary, and the temperature has dropped to -12 from -4 in the past few hours.  It is supposed to be -18 by the time we leave work today with a wind chill factor of -27.  That’s to get us in the spirit!

Most of the presents are bought, still to be wrapped, the tree is up, the lights are twinkling … and I am trying to be productive and finish some of my pieces for the challenge, as the due date is fast approaching – February!

So below is a photo of a piece I finally finished.  If you have been following my blog (and apologies for not blogging as much as I should), you would recognize it, as this piece – still unnamed – sat pinned on my design wall for a while.  But … finally I decided what I wanted to do with it and here it is, in all its glory!


This was an odd piece that I made; thus, I never paid too much attention when I was putting it together.  As a result, it’s an odd measurement; I am not sure if I will be able to have it mounted.  But regardless, I am quite happy with it.  Below is a detail showing the vintage Chinese sequins that I sewed on.


The next piece is done – still unnamed – but finished finally.  Long hours putting all those french knots in.  And then I added some silver beads to make it sparkle a bit.  What do you think?  The footsteps were done with screen printing using a metallic fabric paint.


You can’t really tell that there’s writing on the top right corner unless you get close to it.  It was achieved by adding a few layers of printed organza.  I like the effect it gives, very subtle.

Well, this is it for today.  I didn’t want you to think I had forgotten you … it’s just been a busy season.  I have a few more projects on my mind and I still have one or two more pieces to do for the challenge.  The biggest one being a 36″ x 36″ (although I think I will start on the one I want to make which is 24″ x 48″).  I will keep you posted on the progress of those two, plus a smaller one I started on Sunday at 14″ x 14″ (to be trimmed to 12″ x 12″ possibly).

I will blog before Christmas, but in the meantime, I wish you all a few good days leading into it.  Enjoy!

And keep quilting!



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