Author: Ana Buzzalino

Ana has been teaching quilting since 1986. Ana loves traditional quilting techniques but started using innovative machine techniques and surface design techniques around 2002. Her quilts have won international, national as well as local awards. Ana is a frequent contributor to Quilting Arts Magazine and has appeared in several seasons of Quilting Arts TV.
red colour in images of an old door and lock with circles

I am seeing red

Literally! Last month, at Create2Flourish, we launched a monthly challenge. One theme a month, one month to create something, anything with a maximum size of 20″. “It can be a sketch, it can be a finished piece, it can be a collage … you get the idea. “Something” is the key word: it can be…

quilt rack

And … that’s a wrap!

I’m dancing! I’m dancing! I’m skipping and hopping to music in my head. Because, you know what? I’m done. It’s an organized and utterly fabulous wrap! Today, I’m bubbling over with joy as this past week I finished transforming my basement from a chaotic abyss into a haven for creativity and learning. This all began…

pear postcard

Slowly getting back to normal

Normal? What is normal, anyway? The concept of “normal” can be subjective and context-dependent, varying from person to person and situation to situation. When people talk about “getting back to normal,” they often refer to a routine that was familiar and comfortable before a disruption or change occurred. This could pertain to daily routines, social…