I really don’t feel like doing that just now

Although I know I have to. Have you ever found yourself staring at a pile of materials for a project, a blank cursor, a blank canvas, only to hear the little voice inside your head saying “I don’t feel like doing that”? I’ve had a long list of moments like these this past week, where the allure of the couch, the remote and the chocolates in the pantry wanted me to succumb.
If you’ve felt like that, rest assured that you are not alone. Procrastination – as it applies to creative work – is a common challenge that many of us face. Here are a few things you can do to kickstart your creativity and resist the siren call of the couch.
Overcoming Creative Procrastination – 5 Strategies to get Unstuck
- Break it down: Often enough, the sheer magnitude of a task can be overwhelming. Instead of focusing on the end goal, break your project down into smaller, manageable tasks. Start simple. By taking it one step at a time, you’ll find it easier to build momentum. I wrote a post a while ago on this. You can read all about it here.
- Set a timer: Commit to a short burst for focused work – and set a timer. Work on your creative task without distractions for that amount of time. This technique can help you overcome the initial resistance to getting started and make the task feel more manageable.
- Create a ritual: Whether it’s making a cup of tea, listening to your favourite playlist, or doing a quick stretch, find something that helps you transition from relaxation to productivity. Over time, this ritual can become a powrful cue that primes your mind for creative work.
- Embrace imperfection: One of the biggest barriers to getting started on a creative project is the fear of failure or producing subpar work. Remember that creativity is a process, and not every idea will be a masterpiece. Give yourself permission to create imperfectly, knowing that you can always refine and improve upon your work later. What’s important is to start – and keep moving forward.
- Find your why: When you feel like procrastinating, take a moment to reconnect with why you are passionate about what you do. What inspired you in the first place to create this project? What impact do you hope it will have? By tapping into your underlying motivation, you can reignite your enthusiasm and find the energy to push through resistance.
I would like to add another one here:
Talk to a friend: I did just that a few days ago; and I am so grateful for friends who listen without judgement and let me go on bemoaning the fact that I just haven’t felt “like it”. Just going over how I felt, helped. It became clear once more – in my mind – why I’m doing what I’m doing – just at this moment at least. A deadline looming, new work to be created. By talking it out in a loud voice, I even came up with a solution to a piece of fabric I received that did not look like I thought it would. WOW! That’s the power of putting thoughts and feeling into words.
So share! It bears repeating: You are not alone. Sometimes you need someone else to give you perspective. We can only see things from our own point of view and someone else’s may open new doors. Creative procrastination is a common challenge, but it’s not insurmountable. By being gentle with yourself – and allowing yourself to feel the way you do – you can reclaim your creative mojo and get back on track.
So next time you hear that voice saying “I don’t feel like doing that,” acknowledge the feeling; then take a deep breath and show it who’s boss by taking action. One little step at a time.
And trust me – the couch and the chocolate will still be there, waiting for you when you are done. Ask me how I know …
Thanks for reading. Until I write again,
Absolutely get this feeling. I’ve got it right now! haha
Wonderful insights and just what I needed. Thank you! (I’m much better at starting things than finishing. 😊)
Glad you found it useful