One more sleep … and Create2Flourish launches!

Isn’t that exciting? If you have been waiting for this day, I hope you are as excited as I am. Work has been going on for a year to bring this membership dream to all of you, and I hope you’ll join me on this journey.
If you are new to my website, and have not heard about Create2Flourish, I invite you to have a read. Tomorrow, April 2nd, is the official launch. Registration will open at 12:01 a.m. Mountain on April 2nd – a special day for me as it would have been my mom’s 92nd birthday and I know that from wherever she’s sitting, looking down, she’ll send good vibes!
The hub is complete. The videos are loaded: transcribed, close-captioned and chapters added!. Resource documents are ready to be downloaded and enjoyed, and on April 7th, the first lesson will become available. The program is done in such a way that you need to spend time watching the videos and completing the work, but I’ve worked very hard to keep all information to bite-sized pieces, so it’ll be easier to consume and implement.

Some of the topics that will be covered:
- Working with Inspiration
- Mark making
- Principles of Design
- From sketch to stitch
- And so much more … but you have to join to find out all about it …
But not all of it is going to be work: we’ll have games, challenges … there’s even a bingo card to get you started and once completed (yes, there’s a deadline), you can enter to win prizes. Coaching calls and live Q&A will happen monthly and the replays will always be available in the hub.
Create2Flourish is a journey. Your journey. You can work at your own pace. Enjoy the process. Create2Flourish is also a community. We gather and share on Facebook and you are invited to join as soon as you register so you can introduce yourself and start meeting the rest of the members. Won’t you join me?
I look forward to welcoming you to the Create2Flourish hub! I can’t wait to get started and see what you’ll create. Registering for Create2Flourish will bring you one step closer to your goal of making your own art, your own way.
Looking forward to working with you. See you tomorrow? In the meantime, stay safe and keep creating,