Thank you! and a Merry Christmas to you all …

As the Holidays get closer, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your continued support and encouragement. I could not have done it without you.

2021 did not work out as expected for a lot of people, but I continue to be amazed by everyone’s strength and resilience. Even through Zoom, it’s been a pleasure to see people creating together in the best possible way, given the circumstances. The resurgence of creative pursuits has had positive effects on our lives and I, for one, have created some lasting friendships. Although we are missing the personal contact of having classes in person, I do not want to think of not having Zoom to share and “get together”. This pandemic would have been very, very different years ago.

I am thankful, every day, for the possibilities that technology continues to give us. I taught over 45 online live workshops this year, 12 lectures, wrote over 10 articles for different magazines, and had loads of enthusiastic students who made it all worthwhile. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!! I hope I have inspired you to try something new, create and keep doing what we love: work with fabric and thread – and maybe, be brave and add some paper to it!

Christmas is going to be white and cold in Calgary, so says the forecast. But it’ll be warm inside the house. It is the perfect time of year to celebrate with family and friends. Indulge in a bit too much food and drink … It is not what’s under the tree that matters most, it’s who’s around it. Every year, I am so grateful to spend it with my children.

However you spend your holidays, together or apart, I hope your Christmas is cheerful and makes way for a fresh start to a new, prosperous year!

From my house to yours … Happy Holidays!


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  1. Thank you Ana for being who you are. I loved two classes with you this past summer and I am signing up for one of your classes in January.
    Blessings to you and your family for a happy, healthy holiday and a prosperous year in 2022.
    Thank you,

    1. Thanks so much Sheryl for your continuing support. It means the world to me.

      I hope you and yours have a wonderful Holiday season and a great start to 2022.


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