New workshop offerings and a book review

I was very honoured to be asked to review Lesley Riley’s new book on Transfer Artist Paper or TAP which complements the launch of the new formulation TAP by C&T a while back. If you are new to TAP or even if you’ve used it before, this book is a keeper. She walks you through editing your photos before printing, information about printers, how-to’s, plus 15 simple projects to try the product in all kinds of substrates: fabric, paper, wood, etc. You are sure to fall in love with this paper. The best news is that this new formulation does not dry up, and it doesn’t scratch, so it’s easier to add pencils and crayons to it.

The new formulation works a bit differently from the old one. For someone who still has a lot of the old paper, I’m still in love with it and I, personally, like the fact that you could scratch the old paper to give it a more rustic look.
Introduction to Transfer Artist Paper workshop
I know a lot of people are interested in working with image transfers, If you’d like to know more about the subject and how to use the product, my next Introduction to Transfer Artist Paper workshop is taking place on Tuesday, May 18th at 10:00 a.m. Mountain. I’m offering a coupon for 10% off the price of the workshop until midnight, Friday April 30th. The coupon code is TAP10. I hope you’ll join me.
I offer a kit for the workshop to get you started with 2 sheets of TAP printed with images for you to use during the workshop and beyond, and one blank sheet of TAP so you can print your own images and try it out. You can find the kit here. I also carry the TAP paper, which comes in either a 5-package or an 18-package. You can find the paper here.
Other workshops taking place in May are:
Text on Textiles
If you’ve ever wanted to add text to your quilts, this workshop is for you. You’ll learn about spacing, thread options, legible vs. illegible and a whole lot more. Don’t let the fact that it’s a free-motion quilting workshop deter you. If you can write, you can do this! You’ll need a favourite quote to work with, a couple of pieces of fabric sandwiched and ready to go and your sewing machine set up with a free-motion quilting foot. The workshop is on Saturday May 8th at 10:00 a.m. Mountain.
You can add an image to your fabric to be able to stitch text around it, or to it. I offer a few options of images printed on TAP for your use. You can find them here.
Acrylic Skins workshop
This popular workshop is being offered again before Summer and then it’ll take a break until the Fall. Acrylic skins is a two-hour combination of hands-on and demo. You will learn different techniques to make acrylic skins and I will then demo how to finish them (they need to be dry) and how to apply them to your sketchbook or fibre art. The workshop will take place on Thursday, May 20th at 10:00 a.m. Mountain.
New Fabrics in the Store
There’s also some new exciting fabric added to the Store. Just in case you need to do some shopping (wink-wink)
I hope you will find some of these offerings of interest. I’d love to have you join me. If there’s anything else you see posted on social media that you’d like to see a workshop on, please leave a comment and let me know. I’m working on new classes for later on in the year and would be interested to learn what you’d like to see from me. Layering? Collage? Painting? Snippet Rolls and scrolls? I look forward to hearing from you.
In the meantime, thanks for reading. Keep creating and enjoy the nice weather. Be well and stay safe,