A very Merry Christmas

I can’t believe it’s almost Christmas! I also can’t believe that I haven’t posted in almost a month. Although I have not been idle. If you follow me on Instagram, you’d have seen that I’ve been quite busy finishing up stuff. One of the advantages of belonging to the Flying Needle Quilt Guild (we meet in Millarville) is that the challenge this year is a “finish-that-project” kind of competition, and that has lighted up a fire to get going and quilt some of the things that are lying around, start a few new ones, create, sew, quilt and dream.
This is a quilt I made a few weeks ago with fabric I found stashed all together with the pattern in my fabric closet (purchased in 2012!). It took me all of one day to put it together. It’s been quilted by Jane at Acorn Quilting.
Looking back at 2015, it has been a difficult year, full of changes in the workplace, uncertainty, people leaving, empty spaces … The price of the barrel of oil hasn’t helped. I am hopeful that things will stabilize in 2016, although if you read the papers or listen to the news, it seems we are in this for the long run. From the finer-arts point of view, it was a very good year with trips to Fort Smith, Dublin and Cork in Ireland, Lethbridge, Pictou Lodge and a few other places where I had the chance to spend time doing what I love to do most: teach, share my love of quilting, meet new people, find some old friends and visit some beautiful places.
My hope is that everyone has a wonderful holiday and time to spend with family and friends. I hope you will get some time to go into the sewing room and create something new, or work on something old. Time to sit and relax and enjoy playing with fabric.
For my family and I, this is going to be a different Christmas; so we are off to create new memories and spend a couple of days in the mountains. The temperature has dropped, so I am hoping for clear nights with lots of stars, a fire in the fireplace, good food and time spent with my daughter. My sons are following their dreams and they will be missed and ever-present in our minds.
I’m excited about 2016! I have a few great trips planned, some to new places, some to places I’ve been before. I am looking into opening an Etsy store, so stay tuned for more on that. A few new workshops, some new articles, some other ideas I’ll keep under wraps for now.
If you’ve just discovered my website, I welcome you to it and hope to hear from you. You can follow me by subscribing to receive my posts by email. If you’ve been following me all along … I am forever grateful and promise to try and do better in the posting department. Remember you can also follow me on Instagram.
I will close this by wishing everyone a safe and happy Holiday Season.
I am off to wrap presents!