The Chagrin River’s “High Falls”

Here, as promised, are some photos of Chagrin Falls, OH where we went after the taping was done.  Unfortunately we arrived when all the stores were closed.  Or maybe that was a good thing …



Valentine’s Day was the day before, so all the store windows were decorated in red and had some kind of heart theme.


Isn’t that a lovely bench?  I wouldn’t mind having it in my garden …

More heart tiles …


This was inscribed on a window.  There was a large red cardinal poster behind, which you can sort of see on the photo, and it made me think of my mother, as red cardinals were her favorite bird.   Again, the red was the predominant color.


Marcela, all bundled up against the cold.


Main Street:


We had a lovely dinner at Jekyll’s, sitting by the window overlooking the falls.  When we left the restaurant, the temperature had dropped and it was cold!  I thought this was a church, but when we drove by, it is a bank.


We made it back to the hotel with the help of the trusty GPS.  The next morning we left for the airport bright and early.  Luckily we had enough time to stop by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame store where we proceeded to buy t-shirts for the kids and a lovely set of DVD’s.


This is one of the many guitars that decorate the terminal.  I liked the rusted appearance of it.


Once I arrived in Toronto, the gate was at the furthest end of the terminal, and I had to catch the connecting flight at the complete opposite end.  I felt like borrowing one of these … I would have felt very robo-cop-ish… (is that a word?).  It would definitely have been faster than walking across the entire terminal.


Life is slowly returning back to normal.  I have unearhed a project that I started a while back and put aside to get other things done.  Now I am determined to finish it.  I’ll share some photos with you soon.  In the meantime, keep quilting.


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